Oldtimer gallery. Registration plates.

Soviet registration plates (pre-1982): brief article (in English), detailed history (some pages are only in Russian).
(Soviet registration plates contain Russian letters and I cannot translate it to English)
1934-1937 USSR registration plates (in English with fragments in Russian)
1942-1962 USSR military registration plates (in English with fragments in Russian)

Austrian registration plates (pre-1939)

German registration plates (pre-1945)

The following pages are in Russian only:
Soviet occupation zone of Germany registration plates (1945-1953)

Australian registration plates (pre-1945)

Belgian registration plates (pre-1945)

Canadian registration plates (pre-1945)

Chinese registration plates (pre-1945)

Republica Dominicana registration plates (pre-1945)

Egyptian registration plates (pre-1945)

Estonian registration plates (pre-1983)

Suomi Finland registration plates (pre-1945)

Hawaiian registration plates (pre-1945) (occupied by USA)

Latvian registration plates (pre-1981)

Lithuanian registration plates (pre-1982)

Mexican registration plates (pre-1945)

Mongolian registration plates (pre-1945)

New Zealand registration plates (pre-1945)

Panamanian registration plates (pre-1945)
(Canal Zone (USA (1906-1979)) had own plates)

Philippines registration plates (pre-1945)

Puerto Rico registration plates (pre-1945) (occupied by USA)

Romanian registration plates (pre-1945)

Spanish registration plates (pre-1945)

Tuva registration plates (pre-1982)

Yugoslavian registration plates (pre-1945)

UK registration plates (pre-1945)

USA registration plates (pre-1945)

Some samples of other countries pre-1945 plates:

American Samoa - 1942

Argentine - 1941, Province Chaco

British India - 049, Peshãwar, 1929, 8450, Raipur

Bulgaria - Tyrnovo, 1930's, chauffeurs license 1942, chauffeurs license 1942

Protektorat Böhmen-Mähren - Brünn, 1945

Chile - 1931, passenger plate, province Zapallar

Costa-Rica - 1937

Cuba (in 1906-1909, 1912, 1917-1922 occupied by USA) - 1937
Guantanamo military base of USA (leased since 1903, isn't connected with the rest Cuba by any road) - 1942

El Salvador - 1937, passenger

France - 1937, temporary

Guatemala - 1933

Guernsey - 1941

Haiti (in 1915-1934 occupied by USA) - 1931

Hungary - civilian 1939-46, photo 1940, military WW2

Hyderabad - pre-1937, private car, Parbhani

Iceland - 1937-1988, R = Reykjavik

Iran - 1943, 1941 Dodge sedan and Soviet officers

Iraq - mid-1920's

Italy - 1930's

Japan - Buick Four 1924, Kyoto

The Netherlands - 1906-1951

Newfoundland (till 1949 - British colony, since 1949 - part of Canada) - 1941

Norway - 1913-1971, A = Oslo.

Palestine - 1937-1939, 1934-1939

General-Gouvernement - 1937-1939

Puerto Rico (occupied by USA) - 1934-1935

Slovakei - 1941

Sweden - 1906-1972, Östergötland

Switzerland - 1914-1927? canton Vaux (Waadt), Lausanne

Uruguay - from late 1920's, La - province Colonia, Ac - province Canelones

Vaticano - SCV189, 1944

Venezuela - automobile, Caracas, 1935, taxi, San-Fernando-de-Apure, 1940, motorcycle, Valencia, 1940.

American Virgin Islands - 1941, St. Croix passenger plate

Photos are from:
eBay (USA).
eBay (Australia).
Temuri Kurua collection, Taganrog, Russia.
Roman Kamchatka, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, Russia.

Country symbols on the vehicles (on 1925 year):
A - Austria, B - Belgium, CH - Switzerland, D - Germany, E - Spain, F - France, GB - Great Britain, GR - Greece, H - Hungary, I - Italy, MC - Monaco, MN - Montenegro, NL - the Netherlands, P - Portugal, R - Russia, RM - Romania, S - Sweden, SB - Serbia, US - USA.
Thanks for help to Rex Schneider (Cottbus, Germany).
What else in the net:
Europlate - Registration Plates of the World (in English).
Entrance Gallery Sale Links

Last updated 1 X 2024. Andrei Bogomolov. Contact Information.