Oldtimers picture gallery. Links.
Entrance Gallery Sale HA PYCCKOM
Some invalid any more links are removed (11 XI 2001). Webmasters, please let me know your new URLs.
Memoirs of Great Patriotic War veterans (in Russian/English)
"Experience exchange" - Auto-Retro (in Russian), Moscow
Russian Car Club Discussion Board (in English), USA
Pages devoted to one make (see also appropriate pages of the gallery for more links):
Allard Motor Works (in English/French), Canada
AMC Pacer pages by Pascal Monney (in French), Switzerland
Andy's Austin 7 Pages (in English) - with many good images
Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners Ltd. (in English) - delightful site with much interesting.
Josep Sanz Guillen pages (in English) - BMW bikes and others.
Vintage BMW Motorcycles (in English) - it worth to visit.
Auto-Wellink information of BMW-R35 (in Dutch).
Bugattiweb.com (in English), site of Mark Albada Jelgersma
Dave's Vintage 1972 Chevy Impala (in English)
Edsel Unlimited (in English), homepage of Dan Crossman. Edsel generally + huge collection of cars and trucks junkyard photos.
FIAT (5 languages) - official site with history part.
FIAT Old Car (in Italian) - homepage of Adolfo Verbena (Italy).
Topolino Casagrande (in German, English, Italian) - Italian 1930-1975 cars parts specialists.
The origins of Polski Fiat (in English) by Dariusz Piecinski.
Vignale FIAT (in English) - site of Paul Van der Straeten, Belgium.
Model A Ford Club of America (in English) - huge and very interesting site.
NetClassics (in English) - basically devoted to Ford-A and AA, but not only.
One Source (in English) - good Ford-A and AA site.
Model A Ad Collectors Home Page (in English) - Ford-A and AA old advertisings.
Ford Truck Enthusiasts (in English) - very interesting site.
"Keystone Cops" (in English) - A Chapter of Model T Ford Club International (USA).
Ford 1928-36 pages of Robert Lundin (in Swedish) - and big photos of oldtimer-junkyard there.
Dick Cutting's Home Page (in English) - Dick is very good restorer of old Fords and Chevies - look at his trucks.
GAZ-69 page by Dmitry Shtabskoi (in Russian) - very friendly page of GAZ-69 specialist
L'Amicale des Motos Gnome & Rhone (in French) - excellent!
German Hercules motorcycle owners club (in German)
CK design & Co. Ltd.moto (in Japanese/English) - designers of Horex 644 Osca and others, Tokyo.
Junak (in Polish) - page by Mariusz Gandzel
Lanz-Bulldog tractors (in German) - not many too magnificient sites in the Internet!
The Lux-Sport prototype - by Dariusz Piecinski
Mercedes-Benz Classic (in English) - find time to visit it.
Peter Hacker's Mercedes-Benz WWW-album (in English) - good collection of images
Mercedes Veterans Pages of Alex Gabard (in German)
Mercedes-Benz Veteranenclub Deutschland e.V. (in German)
Uncle Erik's Mercedes Club, Danmark, (in Danish/English) - 1935 Mercedes-Benz 200 W21
AZLK site (in Russian) - quickly growing Moskvich site.
Opel Classic Automobiles (in English) - Mecca for all admirers of old Opel cars.
Svenska Opel Site (in Swedish) - devoted to early Opel-Olympia.
Pannonia, Hungary (in Hungarian) - interesting.
Pannoniamania, (in Hungarian) - Hungarian old motorcycles.
die Geschichte der Sachs-Motoren 1929 - 1950, Germany. (in German), Sachs bikes.
Oldtimer Club Saurer (in German) - you have to look at this site!
Skoda Auto official site (in Czech, English and German) - with excellent Skoda history!
Studebaker Driver's Club site (in English). That's interesting.
Studebaker Under Construction (in English) :-) it is already constructed! (I think so)
La Memoire TERROT-DIJON pages (in French). Look yourself, how good it is!
Ian Chadwick's Triumph Motorcycles Timeline, Canada (in English) - a lot about British Triumph.
Thomas Pantzer's Wartburg-311 site (in English), + EMW page.
Jose Borges de Almeida pages (in English) - magnificient Willys and other first jeeps history page.
Willys Overland Knight Registry (in English) - All about Willys and sleeve-valves cars before 1942
ZAZ-965 site (in English and Russian).
Yugo Page (in English).
Pages devoted to many makes:
AUTOZonLINE Classic Car Museum (in English) - well illustrated site.
Hans-Peter Hommes site (in German) - !!! BMW-R75 and Zuendapp-KS750 !!!
KTUD East-European cars (in English) - unique gate to many sites.
Auto Restorer On-line (in English) - quite interesting site.
American Truck Historical Society (in English) - one of my favorite pages.
Thumper photo album (in English) - excellent images of old bikes.
VeteraaniKuorma-Autojen Seura ry. (in 4 languages), Finland, devoted to old trucks.
Motorcycles page (in English) by Knut Lund, Norway: DKW-SB500, Zuendapp and others.
Valentin Ivanov's homepage (in English) - cars, usual in Bulgaria.
BAhR Automotive History Pages (in English). Well done and informative site.
My old motorcycles - magnificient homepage of Martin Schenker. DKW, D-Rad ...
ANDY's Homepage: Lastwagen (in German) - good library of truck's history
Phil Seed's Virtual Car Museum (in English) - good image collection
Microcar and Minicar Classic (in English) - superb world of tiny cars!
Motorrad Oldtimer by Kurt Aschbeck (in German, Austria) - Puch, Wanderer, HMW-Foxinette
Tadeusz Tanski and his creations - by Dariusz Piecinski
The Polish pre-war Automotive Industry - by Dariusz Piecinski
Mascots - by Dariusz Piecinski
Autoexotica in Russia (in Russian) - interesting informative site.
Concourse D'elegance Of The Eastern United States (in English) - very interesting site.
Olive-Drab (in English) - superb list of Military Vehicle WWW Resources.
Kirill i Mephodiy, Auto Encyclopedia (in Russian), Russia.
Some EV History / History of Electric Cars and other Vehicles (in English), huge list with some descriptions and links.
WW2 Vehicles & Trailers (in English) - not only jeeps at there.
Vintage Web (in Dutch/English) - Dutch very big site for car collectors.
Autoroad (in English) - interesting oldtimer site
Steven Knight Training Pty Ltd (in English) - individual pages of Steven Knight
The Old Truck Home (in English) - a plenty of different information
Kamil Nowak site (in Polish) - old motorcycles pages from Krakow
Klasyczne Pojazdy Terenowe Panstw Socjalistycznych (in Polish) - Offroad vehicles of Socialist countries by Jan Szatan
The Tin Hunter Archive of Martin Vorwahl (in English) car wrecks found in junkyards
Cars from Eisenach. Homepage of Stefan Jensen, Danmark (in English) - with good images.
Woodies@home (in English) - site devoted to light trucks with woody bodies and shooting brakes.
Svenska Klassiker (in Swedish/English/German) - Volvo, S.A.A.B., trucks and cars.
Moscow passenger transport - history and contemporaneity. (in Russian)
European road transport gallery (in English) - with history division.
"The History of Exeter Speedway" and "Workshop" Pages (in English).
MecAction (in French) - restoration of historical trucks.
"Soviet automobiles" (in Russian/English) - homepage of Gleb Smirnov
Jeep Willys & Hotchkiss, Jeepy (in French/English) - Jeep Willys/Hotchkiss specialists in Bordeau, France.
Classic and Vintage Motorcycle links (in English) - great collection of great links
Cars in South Africa (in English) - nice site about different old cars
La page moto-voyage (in French) - with good illustrated police motorcycle history pages.
Svenska Motorsidan (in Swedish) - This is not only Swedish, but international treasure.
Bengt Gunve'r pages (in Swedish/English). Cars & Motorcycles
Marcus Dahlqvist hemsida (in Swedish/English). Very good pictures of old cars, primarily Opel!
Victrace Video Production (in Dutch) - videofilms op Historisch-, Klassiek Automobiel- en Motorfietsengebied.
Bildergalerie Nostalgie Lkws Truks (in German) - pre- and post WW2 trucks from Gebhard Flatz family album, Austria.
Autonostalgia (in Czech) - Ales Dragoun site for old cars.
Amphibious Vehicles of the World (in English)
thecybermuseum.com (in English) - site of Dave Schultz, restorer and collector of Indians and cars (USA).
Militaire Voertuigen (in Dutch) - military vehicles site of Gino Christianen (Rotterdam).
www.sidecar.com (in English) - sidecar motorcycles, this follows from the name!.
Celebrating 100 years of G.M.: 1898-1998 (in English) by David Hayward & Ken Kaufmann, Automotive Historians
Petes Vintage Autos (in English) - pre-war car sales and wants
Veteran (in Czech) - generally Czechoslovakian cars and motorcycles
Danish Army Vehicles Homepage (in English).
Zündapp, Kreidler and Hercules - recent models only, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Das Auto von Heute - (in German)
Piet van Hees 's Home Page (in English) - superb pages for Sd.Kfz.251 and Daimler Benz L4500R
Stationary Engines (in English) - in Belgium.
www.gewall.x.se (in Swedish with some English) - old motorcyles of Bo Rolf Monwell, Gävle, Sweden.
Automotive Mascots and Moto Meters (in English) - home page of Bob Miller, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
ArtDrive Gallery (in English) - very nice pictures of artist Rainer Kuhn, Germany. The pictures are for sale.
www.CarsfromItaly.com (in English) - history of Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Fiat, Lancia & Maserati plus 38 other marques
Ken Goudy's Truck Pictures (in English) - Absolutely outstanding collection of old photos of American and Canadian trucks!
Schouwer-Online (in German) - Oldtimer site of Hartmut Schouwer (Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germany).
All about the Eastern cars and motorcycles (in Italian/English) - site of Michele Cuoccio (Italy).
The Birmingham and Midland Museum of Transport (in English)
[flame] ein trivialer mythos von Martin Krusche & Joseph Schützenhöfer (Austria)
Tsjechische Veteranen Dag (in Dutch, Czech, English, German) - 2nd International Czech Veteran Car Day (the Netherlands)
Örlygur Egilsstöðum homepage, (in Icelandic, English), trucks in every part of Iceland.
Iceland truck photos, (in Icelandic, English), homepage of Halldór Sigurðsson (Iceland).
Automotoclassiche.com, (in Italian), inserzioni, foto, libri: un sito per le Auto d'epoca. Moto classiche.
www.transportart.co.uk, (in English)
RitzSite, (in English), Cars and Races, the Netherlands
Motoclassic.ch, (in German/English), Switzerland
Eesti Antiikautode Galerii (in Estonian) - Estonian Antique Automobiles Gallery by Rain Vaikla.
Auto Moto Militaria (in Polish), site of Bohdan Maczinski, Poland.
Noviac Automotive Ressources, (in English, French), site of Armin Zürcher, Switzerland.
Classic Driver Old Cars and Trucks, (in English)
Old trucks photo album of John T. Norton, (in English), I recommend.
Fire Fighters in Fatigues (in English) - site of WW2 participant James G. Davis (Maui, Hawaii, USA).
FELLER Versandhandel für EMW, AWO, MZ, (in German), site of Stefan Feller (Germany)
Military Vehicles in Hawaii (in English).
Antiques & Classics....Plus (in English).
Old Cars Shows in Norfolk (UK). Album 1 (in English) of Dave Barrett.
Old Cars Shows in Norfolk (UK). Album 2 (in English) of Dave Barrett.
Old Cars Shows in Norfolk (UK). Album 3 (in English) of Dave Barrett.
Chris Nielsen Fine Art (in English) the Automotive Art Gallery.
lamaneta, es el portal de la moto antigua (in Spanish)
La Escuderia (in Spanish), El portal hispano para los amantes de los Vehículos Históricos
Auto-Bike (in German) - Infos zu Autos, Bikek, Oldtimern und Verkehr, site of Karl (Karel) Mezek, Germany.
VETERANS pictures from the very earliest days of trucking (in English) on the Chris Hodge site.
Old Car and Truck Rescue (in English) - USA, Washington, Stanwood, page of Dan Jerald.
O M a N: Oldtimer - Motorräder aus Nürnberg (in German), page of Joachim Fritz.
grandprixcities.com (in English) - motorsports travel guide.
leoemm.com (in Icelandic) - pages of Leó M. Jónsson (Iceland).
Molotov Cocktail (in English) - Weav's old Russian bikes.
The Car & Trucksite (in Dutch) - homepage of Jan Clevering, the Netherlands.
www.tractoreszoolujan.com.ar (in Spanish) - Tractores Antiguos (Argentina).
http://www.autoraritet.com/ (in Russian) - site of Vasilii Grabarj (Shahty, Rostov region, Russia).
The Automobile in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian/English) - book of Ivan Kolev.
Military-historical club of RKKA (in Russian)
Ford Ton Truck Club (in English) - Ford TT enthusiasts in the United States.
"Keystone Cops" (in English) - A Chapter of Model T Ford Club International (USA).
Moscow Club of Automotooldtimers and exotics admirers (in Russian)
Militär Fordons Historiska Föreningen, Sweden (in Swedish and English) - excellent site, basically on WWII vehicles.
MC-Veteranerna Klubben, Kristianstad, Sverige. (6 languages) - veteran motorcycle club.
Club fuer Alte Automobile & Rallyes (in German) - a lot of pictureless information about German clubs.
Eastern & European Vehicle Owner's Club (NZ) (in English) - unique site, where else can you find such information?
Military Vehicle Preservation Association, (in English)
Danish Historic Military Vehicle Association (in Danish, English)
IFEM Militärfahrzeuge club (in German, English), Austria,
ÖMVV - Austrian federation of Oldtimer-Clubs (in German)
Dutch Ural Dnepr Club Nederland, (in Dutch and English), Breda.
"Friends of Russian Oldtimers", (in English), Germany.
North Malaysia Vintage & Classic Car Register, (in English).
Club De Amigos De Los Coches Antiguos, (in Spanish), Madrid.
Fornbílarklúbbur Íslands, (in Icelandic with some English), Antique Automobile Club of Iceland, Reykjavík.
Association of Collectors of Historical Vehicles in Slovak Republik
Motorhistoriska Riksförrbundet, Sweden (in Swedish) - The Federation of Swedish Historic Vehicle Clubs.
De Stichting Historisch Transport (in Dutch) - Oldtimer Truck Club in Holland.
GAITET, Galith history-technical company (in Ukrainian/English/Russian) in Lvov, Ukraine.
Lausitz-Oldtimer-Netzwerk (in German)
MVT Shropshire and border counties (in English), England.
25th Panzergrenadier Division (in English) - non-political, historical, reenactment group, USA.
Antiquarian Cars Owners Club "Dilizanas". Klaipeda, Lithuania. Tel +370-6-360424 Fax +370-6-380650, retroauto@mail.lt
SORF - Schmallenberger Oldie-Roller Freunde (in German) - German scooters from the 50s, spare parts etc.
Oldtimer - Automobilklub Lubelski (in Polish / English / Russian) - Oldtimer Club, Lublin, Poland.
Retromobil Club Romania (in Romanian)
MIG-Registeret (in Norwegian/English), for those interested in Russian cars (Norway).
Klub Motocykli Weteranow Rotor (in Polish), Olsztyn, Poland.
Brisbane Vintage Auto Club (Inc) (in English), Australia.
Uetersener Oldtimer-Stammtisch (in German)
Veteran Military Vehicles Olomouc (in Czech/English)
Golden Era Automobile Association (in English)
"Levatek", L-Eesti Vanatehnika Klubi (E-mail), South Estonian Oldtimer Club (speaking English), see photo album of 10 VIII Club event in Otepää
3 Panzer Grenadier Division (in English) - non-political, historical, reenactment group, USA.
Restoring and repair of Classic Vehicles:
Golding's T Parts (in English) - Ford T and TT parts in the United States.
Oldtimer Special (in Czech/English/German) - restoration and repair of historical vehicles, Plzen, Czech Rp.
Strongly recommended book: Roland Johnson "AUTOMOTIVE WOODWORKING, restoration, repair and replacement" (in English).
You can order this woodworking bible from Motorbooks.com. Print "woodworking" keyword there under "search for" and click "go".
AluminiumBodywork.com (in English) - restoration of vintage and classic vehicle bodywork (UK).
A Bruneau Performance Ent. (in English), in Alberta, Canada - Full restorations - Engines - Sales - Appraisals - Repairs - Transport - "New Cars".
Auto- and moto museum in Moscow
Panzermuseum Munster (in German) - not only tanks there!
REME Museum of Technology (in English) - very good site
Canadian Museum of Civilization (in French/English) with automotive section.
U.S.S. YORKTOWN (CV5) (in English). Military museum in New Zealand.
Veteran Bazar & Museum (in English), Czech Republic.
Museums page of Motorhistoriska Riksförrbundet, Sweden (in Swedish) - detailed list of motor museums in Sweden.
Automobile Museums & Collections in Europe (in English) - good list of motor museums in Europe.
Classic Motor Monthly museums page (in English) - very complete list of motor museums in the UK.
Bus Historic Group (in Czech), Autobus Muzeum in Czech Republic.
Pereslavl Narrow-Gauge Railway and Museum (in Russian/English), Russia.
Oldtimer aus Leisnig (in German), site of Claus Dieter Andrä
Skoda Hispano Suiza (in Czech), muzeum historickich vozidel v Plzni (Czech Rp.)
Musée des transports urbains, interurbains et ruraux (in French).
Fondation de l'Automobile Marius Berliet (in French).
Den Hartogh Ford Museum (in English) - the Netherlands.
Reynolds-Alberta Museum (in English), Alberta, Canada.
Moscow excursions in classic cars.
Autoexotica annual festival, Moscow, Tushino (in Russian)
Retro Mobile (in French), Paris.
Races Paris-Wien 1902 and 2002 (in German/French/English), Austria and France.
"Retrostyle" festival. Moscow.
After the Battle (in English). WW2 oldtimers. Books and magazines.
4WD Magazine (in English).
Motor webpages (in Polish), Poland. Many historical articles.
Klassisk Bil & MC (in Danish), - very good Classic Cars and Motorcycles magazine from Denmark
M-Hobby (in English/Russian), very high lelel magazine for scale models enthusiasts.
Classic Motor Monthly (in English) - Classifieds, Events, Spares & Services, in the UK.
MotorSnippets.com (in English), London.
Autoshow Romania (in Romanian), with Retromobil page.
OFF-ROAD PL Magazyn (in Polish), Poland
Automobilista Magazyn (in Polish), Poland
PreWarCar (in English) - The daily magazine & marketplace dedicated to the pre 1940 car (the Netherlands)
"Automobile Quarterly" Magazine (in English)
Sales and Auctions:
Cato Crane and Company (in English) - Antiques and Fine Art Auctioneers in Liverpool, sometimes old motor vehicles.
The Highway One Classic (in English) - excellent sale site.
Military Vehicles Sales & Appraisal Service (in English) - well illustrated sale site.
Vehicles: Show & Sell Area (in English) - sale site with many oldtimers.
Hemmings Motor News (in English) - interesting site.
Classic Auto Register Service (in English) - too much interesting there.
Classic Avenue (in Dutch/English) - excellent oldtimer site in the Netherlands.
Kruse International Auction (in English) - visit this site!.
Classics4Sale (in English) - big choice of classic vehicles for sale.
Antique Autos Online (in English) - a lot of classic cars and commercial autos for sale.
LiveBid.com (in English) - almost all cars of the Auction are pictured.
Trader Online (in English) - thousands of collectible vehicles for sale
MS Webmasters (in English) Cars Exchange and Sale
Vintage Web (in Dutch/English) - Dutch very big site for car collectors.
autoX.com (in English) collector cars service and salesite
British Car Auctions (in English) - auctions in few European countries
1 in a Million Cars (in English) - salesite with a lot of pictured classic cars
Affordable VIP Classics (in English) - pictured classic cars for sale
Deals On Wheels (in English) - huge and pictured classic cars sale
Net-A-Car (in English) - pictured classifieds for classic cars
Cool Cars Only (in English) - pictured classifieds for outstanding car models
Classic Cars (in German)
Cars-On-Line (in English),
Tom Mack Classics and Imports (in English),
Classic Cars and More (in English)
Fraser Dante
Coys of Kensington Auctions
Buy Classic Cars
Excite Classifieds
Volo Auto Museum
Calling All Cars
American Dream Cars - Free Color Picture Ads for Collector Cars
Investment Bikes (in Dutch/English) - Collector Motorcycles (primarily BMW) for sale in the Netherlands
Vintage-Imports.com (in English) The Premier Importer of Pre-War and WWII German Motorcycles in the United States
Old Car Finders (in English)
Veteran Bazar & Museum (in English). Czech Republic.
Enigma Veteran Cars (in Czech). Czech Republic.
http://www.tanksforsale.co.uk/ (in English) UK.
Car & Part, (in German) der virtuellen Welt der historischen französischen Fahrzeuge (Wien).
www.autosdecoleccion.cl (in Spanish) - antique cars for sale in Chile.
Classic Car Mall (in English)
CarScene.com (in English)
Mobile.de (in German)
CW Classics (in English), Canada
eBay (in English), USA
eBay (in German), Germany
Country Classic Cars (in English)
I Luv Cars (in English)
Fossil Cars (in English)
Yesterdays Cars (in English)
The Auto Collection (in English)
Collectors CARS Sales Co. (in English)
MotorCities.com (in English)
PreWarCar (in English) - The daily magazine & marketplace dedicated to the pre 1940 car (the Netherlands)
Chicago Vintage Motor Carriage, L.L.C. (in English)
Retro-Rest Oldtimer Motorcycles (in English), Belgium
C-Cars.com (in English)
Parts and literature:
Blech&Tech - parts made of sheet metal (in German/English) , Germany.
«THE RED ARMY UNIFORM: 1918 - 1945» (in English) Album of 200 color photos, distribution from Moscow
Motomanuali (in Italian/English) - literature for historical motorcycles
Armybook.com (in English) - books/magazines and scale models from Russia
Obsolete Auto Parts Co Pty Ltd (in English) - parts in Australia
General Gear (in English) - Construction Equipment Parts and Attachments, Boise, Idaho (USA)
Used British Parts (in English) - Arizona, USA
Motor Ebooks (in English) - Belgium
OED - Oldtimer Erzatzteil Dienst, Germany.
ARMYBOOK.COM (in English) - The books, magazines and models from Russia and Eastern Europe
Harley MC (in Czech) - new produced parts for American, Chechoslovakian and German historical motorcycles.
Scale models:
PERESVET Company (in English) - Russian scale models for sale (with dealers in the USA).
Ravex - here you can order almost any 1:43 Soviet automobile and some foreign ones.
Snail-mail: 420095, Russia, Kazan, ul. Tovarishcheskaya, 21, 67. Ph. (8432) 38-25-27 (speak Russian). Samples: 1, 2
1/24 Automobilia - ArteCar24 (in Spanish) - scale models and photos of real vehicles by Angel Cabrera (Canary Islands, Spain)
Wooden models of Alexander Fomintsev. (Russian/English/German)
Maquetas de transportes, site of Fernando Vaschetti, Rosario, Argentina (Spanish/English/Portuguese)
ARMYBOOK.COM (in English) - The books, magazines and models from Russia and Eastern Europe
Russische Modellautos 1:43. Ex Oriente Lux! (in German) - site of Stanislav Kiriletz (Germany)
Russian non-oldtimers automobile sites:
Auto in Russia (in Russian) - seems - leader of Russian automobile Internet.
Za Rulyom magazine (in Russian).
Auto Review magazine (in Russian).
ICS MMT - Automotive Catalog (in Russian).
AU! Avtomobili (in Russian) - list of Russian automotive sites on the AU! server.
Russian Power (in Russian and English) - Russian military equipment.
Uralmoto (UK) Ltd. (in English) - Russian Motorcycle importers in the United Kingdom.
AutoMarket Server (in Russian) - many interesting.
Automobile Informational System Cars@Web (in Russian) - Database of automobiles, parts, accessoires for sale,
Moscow dealers and firms, statistical analysis of automobile market.
"Avtomobili" (in Russian) - Internet version of monthly illustrated magazines "Avtomobili" and "Formula 1 +".
Autocity (in Russian) - everything about auto and moto.
KAMAZ.ru - Automobiles and Motorcycles (in English) - interesting and informative.
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

Entrance Gallery Sale
Last updated 27 II 2003.