Oldtimer gallery. Number plates. USSR (only pre-1982).
Registration plates of Russia and USSR:
190? Moto (and bicycle) plate, Sankt-Peterburg (from Bicycle Museum of Andrei Mjatijev).
1911 Moto (and bicycle) plate, Moscow (from Bicycle Museum of Andrei Mjatijev).
1913 automobile plate, Vladimir (from Za Ruljom magazine).
1917 Moto (and bicycle) plate, Petrograd (from Bicycle Museum of Andrei Mjatijev).
1931 North Caucasus (the records are: AVTODOR, S.K.O. 1931).
Civilian 1932(?)-1934, white
Civilian 1934-1937, white
Civilian 1937-1947, black (in Russian only)

Civilian 1940-1947, black (in Russian only)

Civilian 1947-1960 (-1965), yellow (in Russian only)
Civilian 1959-1982, black (in Russian only)
08-28 ìî÷
90-49 öñà
Military 1942-1962-? (in Russian only)
Military 1962-1993
35-99 õñ
07-53 öä

Soviet number plates (pre-1982), brief history.
Road regulation boards of USSR, 1947, 64k
Annual technical control permission, Moscow, 1964 (51k) and reverse side (47k), 1965 (45k) - courtesy of Igor Chernyshov (Vidnoje, Moscow region.). Dimensions 145x105mm.

What else in the net:
Europlate - Registration Plates of the World (in English)
Russian License Plates.
Thanks for help to Aleksandr Andrjushin, Denis Orlov and Jevgenii Baburin (Moscow).
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.
Entrance Gallery Number plates Sale Links

Last updated 17 VIII 2002.