Oldtimer gallery. Number plates. Austria (pre-1939).
(Shown are maximal registration numbers I found.)
For German occupation series (IV 1939 - 1945) see Germany.
1930-1939 (and after 1945) standard series:
A 65.742 - (since 1930) Polizeidirektor Wien
V - (1938) Polizeidirektor Wien, not used series in fact
B 68.876 - (since 1930) Niederdonau (ausser Burgenland)
BP 1255 - (since 1937) Postal transport
C 15.338 - (since 1930) Oberdonau (ausser Linz)
D 8028 - (since 1930) Salzburg
E - (since 1930) Tirol
F 12.915 - (since 1930) Kaernten
H - (since 1930) Steiermark (ausser Graz und Burgenland)
K 5017 - (since 1930) Polizeidirektor Graz
L - (since 1930) Polizeidirektor Linz
M - (since 1930) Burgenland
OB - (since 1937) Railway transport
W-85885 - (since 1930) Vorarlberg
White on black background. Plates of garages white on blue background. Motorcycle plates are small with red borders.
Serial numbering. After reaching 5th digit number (10000) point between 3rd and 4th digit from the right (C 15.268).
Since March 1938 and before German standard commencing in April 1939 new registration plates had white Geman eagle stamp.
Motorcycles had 2 plates - rear one and double-sided front one.
Agricultural tractors and trolleybuses had automobile plates.
Trailers carried rear plate of tractor or its copy.
1906-1930 standard series, regional codes
(without Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Ukrainian regions of Austru-Hungary):
A - (since 1906) Wien
B - (since 1906) Niederoesterreich
C - (since 1906) Oberoesterreich
D - (since 1906) Salzburg
E - (since 1906) Tirol
F - (since 1906) Kaernten
H - (since 1906) Steiermark
M - (since 1921) Burgenland
W - (since 1920) Vorarlberg
Black on white background.
One-line front plates, two-line rear plates (lower line - serial number from 1 to 999, upper line - regional code and (if occur) roman number of thousands. The very first plates consisted of regional code + serial number from 1 to 999. After reaching of 1000, serial number again changed from 1 to 999, but roman I appeared after regional code ans so on. For instance: A 64, AII 603, AXV 268.
In addition to rear plate every region added local-standard small square-form tax plate.
Examples of plates: BIX 118, BI 972, AXXXI 192.
Sources of photos, literature and credits:
eBay Deutschland.
Jan Szatan, Poland (this is a link to his site)

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Last updated 19 V 2010. Andrei Bogomolov. Contact Information.