Oldtimer picture gallery. Cars. Tatra.
1938-1943, Tatra Werke AG., Nesselsdorf (Koprivnice), Protektorat Böhmen - Mähren.
1923-1938, Zavody Tatra, akc. spol., Koprivnice, Ceskoslovensko.
1897-1920-1923 Nesselsdorfer (Austria, then Czechoslovakia).
Tatra-97 (1939), 1937-1940, 31k, 49k side images and 56k Tatra-97 from "Svet Motoru" magazine, Czechoslovakia.
Tatra-87, 1936-1940, 1945-1949, 56k and tail 47k rear image.
Tatra-77 a, 1935-1937, 98k image.
Tatra-77, 1934-1935, 102k image from Auto Review, 34k 6-light and 6k image
Tatra-57K, 1941-1943, 1948, 6000 built for Wehrmacht in 1941-43 + 150 in 1948, 87k b/w photo from "Svet Motoru", CSSR.
Tatra-57B, 1938-1943, 1945-1948
Tatra-57A, 1935-1938
Tatra-57, 1933-1935
Tatra-57, 1931-1933, 10k photo of 1932 cabriolet
Tatra-52, 1930-1939
Tatra-75, 1934-1939, 73k b/w image of limousine and 10k cabriolet 1936
Tatra-54, 1931-1936, 68k image of 1933 Tatra 54/30 from "Svet Motoru" magazine, Czechoslovakia.
Tatra-12, 1926-1930, 83k image from "Svet Motoru" magazine, Czechoslovakia.
Tatra-11, 1923-1926, 86k image from "Svet Motoru" magazine, Czechoslovakia.
Tatra with Sodomka body, 13k and 11k rear view images
Some post-war models:
Tatra 57B, 1947-1948, 56k image
Tatra-600 Tatraplan, (1948?)1949-1951-1953
Tatra 600K (Kabriolet), 1949, 1 built and presented to Stalin, 28k photo from "Svet Motoru" magazine, CSSR.
Tatra 601 Monte Carlo, 1949, 3(?) built for 1950 Rally Monte Carlo, but didn't started, 17k photo.
Tatra 602 Tatraplan Sport, 1949, 2 built
Bruno Sojka finished with this car in 9th place in 1949 Czechoslovakian Grand Prix at Brno.
What else in the net:
Tatra Register UK (in English) - Tatra admirers in the United Kingdom.
Tatra World by Kees Smit, the Netherlands.
Malte from Kiel, Germany, is seeking for spareparts - engines and gearboxes for T 87 and T 97 and also carosserie (body) parts. His E-mail address is: stu42958@mail.uni-kiel.de
Thanks for help to Ales Dragoun, Czech Rp.
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

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Last updated 28 VI 1999.