Oldtimer picture gallery. Cars. Opel-P4 (Popular 4-cyl.).

Opel-P4 (Model 1190)
Years of production: IX 1935 - XII 1937 (commercial - until IV 1940, kübelwagen - in 1937-1938)
Overall production: 65864 built + (15672+7405) Lieferwagen (XI 1935 - II 1938, III 1938 - IV 1940)
4x2 frame mounted body
Body modifications:
2-door 4-light Normal-Limousine with rear mounted spare wheel (body symbol - LZ-EH),
2-door 4-light Spezial-Limousine with bampers and spare wheel mounted on fender (LZ-EV) (more often),
2-door 4-light Spezial Cabriolet-Limousine (CL)

3-door 0,5-ton 1,3-Liter Kastenlieferwagen (XI 1935 - II 1938) (for engine data see Opel-1,3L or Opel Olympia)
3-door 0,5-ton 1,1-Liter Kastenlieferwagen (III 1938 - IV 1940)
Kübelwagen with 1,3-Liter 28hp engine (in 1937-1938, rare)
? 2-door tourenwagen
Engine: 23hp/3400rpm, 4-cyl 4-stroke SV, 1074cc
Length: 3340mm, width: 1425mm, height: 1640mm
Wheelbase: 2286mm (Liefer-, Sanitäts- and Kübelwagen - 2460mm), road clearance: 205mm
Front wheel track: 1118mm; toe-in: 2.4mm; camber: 1o30'; caster: 2o

Rear track: 1168mm
Turning radius: 5,75m
Bore/Stroke: 67,5/75 mm
Pistons type: MEC
Cool clearance between tappet and valve stem: intake - 0.20mm, exhaust - 0.25mm
Compression ratio: 6 : 1
Carburettor: Opel, downdraft vertical, 2 types

Dimensions (in mm and conditional units): diffusor - 19/19mm; main jet - 26/26cu; sprayer jet - 38/38cu; idling jet (sprayer
tube/calibrated hole) - 45/36cu/70/36cu; accelerator jet - 50/50cu;
between float's top and bottom of float chamber lid - 12/12mm
Air filter: no
Ignition system: battery (Bosch, 6V), battery capacity - 62,5 A*h
Interrupter-distributor type: VE4-TE 6/3; contact clearance: 0.4 - 0.5 mm
Generator type and power: RED90/6; 90W
Starter type and power: CG 0.6/6BRS 8P; 0.6hp

Spark plugs type: W 145/0; 14mm; electrode clearance: 0.7 - 0.8 mm
Cylinder firing order: 1-3-4-2
Clutch: dry single plate with a spring dampers
Clutch pedal clearance: 25-30mm
Gearbox (Normal model): 3-speed: engines Nr: 1-10991 - straight teeth; engines Nr: 10992-the last - oblique teeth
Ratios: I - 3.56/3.52, II - 1.73/1.69, III - 1.00/1.00, rear - 4.44/4.60
Gearbox (Normal model): 4-speed
Differential ratio: 5.57, bevel gear with spiral tooth

Front suspension: dependent whole axis on longitudinal semielliptical springs
Rear suspension: whole axis of Banjo type with longitudinal semielliptical springs
Mechanical all-wheels shoe brakes
Weight: 752kg
Maximal speed: 85 km/h
Tyres: 4,25-17 inches (Kübelwagen (and Lieferwagen?) - 5,25-16 inches)
Tyre pressures (atmospheres): front - 1,75, rear - 2,00 (2,25 for 4 passengers)
Fuel tank capacity: 25+5 L
Fuel consumption: 8,5 - 9 L/100km
Cooling system capacity: 8,5 L (since 1936 - thermosyphon cooling)
Oil carter capacity: engine - 3.0 L; gearbox - 0.75 L; differential - 1.00 L
Prices (ReichsMarks): 1650 - 1880 (Winterprice 1936/37 - 1450 RM)
Pre-index of chassis and engine No:
Year Chassis Engine Chassis numbers I really met
1935 190- Y 190-20779
1936 190- Y
1937 190- Y, 37-
Chassis numbers of unknown year: 190-1601, -36533, -53958
Productionnumbers by Eckhart Bartels:
Year 1935 1936 1937 Total
prod. 7613 40405 17846 65864
Kastenlieferwagen 1,3-Liter
Year 1935 1936 1937 1938 Total
prod. 500 7496 6837 839 15672
Kastenlieferwagen 1,1-Liter
Year 1938 1939 1940 Total
prod. 3660 3335 410 7405
Photos are from:
W.Schmarbeck/B.Fischer "Alle Opel Automobile", 1989, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart,
Eckhart Bartels "Opel Fahrzeug-Chronik 1887-2000", Podszun, 2000.
Reinhard Frank "Personenwagen der Wehrmacht", PODZUN-PALLAS.
Werner Oswald "Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichwehr,Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr", 1982, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart.
Thanks for help to Martin Vorwahl, collector of oldtimer photos (Oldenburg, Germany) and
Evgeniy Pevzner (Moscow)
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

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Last updated 24 I 2001.