Oldtimer picture gallery. Cars. Opel 1,3-Liter.

Opel 1,3-Liter (model 1397)
Years of production: (1933, pre-series) I 1934 - X 1935
Overall production: 29002
4x2 4-seater frame-based front-motor rear wheel drive car
Engine: 24hp/3500rpm, 4-cyl 4-stroke SV, 1279cc
Body modifications:
2-door 4-light limousine (LZ), price - 2650 RM (1934), in 1935 - 2850 RM,
4-door 6-light limousine (LV), price - 2950 RM (1934), in 1935 - 3150 RM,

2-door 4-light cabriolimousine (CL), price - 2750 RM (1934),
in 1935 - 2950 RM,
4-seater cabriolet (C4), price - 3250 RM (1934),
in 1935 - 3300 RM
Length: 4225mm, width: 1475mm, height: 1595mm
Wheelbase: 2474mm, road clearance: ?mm
Front wheel track: 1165mm; rear track: 1168mm
Turning radius: ?m

Bore/Stroke: 67,5/90,0 mm
Pistons type: AC, Nelson-Bonalite
Cold clearance between tappet and valve stem:
intake - 0,20mm, exhaust - 0,25mm
Compression ratio: 6 : 1
Spark plugs type: DM 95/0; 18mm; electrode clearance: 0,7 - 0,8 mm
Gearbox: 3 speeds (4 speeds on special request)
Mechanical brakes
Weight: 987kg

Maximal speed: 90 km/h
Tyres: 5,25-16 inches
Fuel tank capacity: 34 L
Petrol consumption: about 10 L/100km
Oil carter capacity: engine - 3,5 L
Pre-index of chassis and engine No:
Year Chassis Engine
1934 97- -
1935 97- -
Productionnumbers by Eckhart Bartels:
Year 1933 1934 1935 Total
cars 2 19840 9160 29002

Chassis numbers of cars with undefined year I really met: 97-2791, 97-14832 (motor Nr. 14784), 97-17527, 97-23503, 97-25237.
Photos are from:
W.Schmarbeck/B.Fischer "Alle Opel Automobile", 1989, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart,
Eckhart Bartels "Opel Fahrzeug-Chronik 1887-2000", Podszun, 2000,
"Autoclassic magazine", Hungary,
Veteran Bazar & Museum, Czech Rp.,
Thanks for help to Denis Abramovich (Byelorussia).
If you have to add, ask or correct me, you are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

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Last updated 28 VII 2002.