Oldtimer picture gallery. Cars. Opel-Super 6.

Opel-Super 6 (Models 25104 and 3700)
(data for 25104 model, 3700 has new
steering and widened rear track)
Years of production: XI 1936 - IV 1938
(25104), IV - XI 1938 (3700),
Overall production: 46453
4x2 rear wheel drive front engine
frame-based car
Body modifications:
2-door 4-light limousine (body symbol - LZ), price - 3350 RM (1937-38),
4-door 6-light limousine (LV) (more often), price - 3850 RM (1937-38),
De luxe cabriolet (LC4) (4-seater cabriolet), price - 4200 RM (1937-38),

2-seater Hebmüller cabriolet, price -
5280 RM (1937-38),
Engine: 55hp/3600rpm, 6-cyl 4-stroke
OHV, 2473cc
Length: 4370mm, width: 1560mm
(since 1938 - 1600mm), height: 1600mm
Wheelbase: 2642mm
Road clearance: 200mm
Front wheel track: 1257mm; toe-in: 2,4mm; camber: 2o30'; caster: 2o

Rear track: 1260mm
(since 1938 - 1320mm)
Turning radius: 5,70m
Bore/Stroke: 80/82 mm
Pistons type: EC, Autothermik
Hot clearance between tappet and valve
stem: intake - 0,20mm, exhaust - 0,30mm
Compression ratio: 6 : 1

Carburettor: Opel, downdraft vertical,
Dimensions (in mm and conditional units):
diffusor - 23mm; main jet - 54cu; sprayer
jet - 79cu; idling jet (sprayer tube/calibrated
hole) - 70cu/50cu; accelerator jet - 50cu;
between float's top and bottom of float
chamber lid - 10mm
Air filter: oil bath type (metal shavings, moisturized by oil)

Ignition system: battery (Bosch, 6V),
battery capacity - 75 A*h
Interrupter-distributor type: VJ 6/1; TK-6/1
or VJ 6/4; contact clearance: 0,4 - 0,5 mm
Generator type and power: DJ/6ERS43;
Starter type and power: CJ 0.8/6 ARS 31P; 0,8hp
Spark plugs type: W 145/0; 14mm; electrode clearance: 0,7 - 0,8 mm
Cylinder firing order: 1-5-3-6-2-4

Clutch: dry single plate with a spring
Clutch pedal clearance: 25-30mm
Gearbox: 3 speeds
Ratios: I - 2,94, II - 1,66, III - 1,00, back -
Differential ratio: 4.30, bevel gear with spiral tooth

Front suspension: independent, Dubonnet
Rear suspension: whole axis of Banjo type
with longitudinal semielliptical springs
Hydraulical all-wheels shoe brakes
Weight: 1165kg
Maximal speed: 119 km/h, (Wehrmacht ausführung - 104 km/h)

Tyres: 5,50-16 inches
Tyre pressures (atmospheres):
front - 1,60, rear - 1,70 (with 2 passengers) or 2,00 (with 4 passengers)
Fuel tank capacity: 39+5 L
Fuel consumption: 12,2 L/100km
Cooling system capacity: 11,8 L
Oil carter capacity: engine - 5,20 L; gearbox - 1,00 L; differential - 1,50 L
Pre-index of chassis and engine No:
Model Year Chassis Engine Chassis numbers I really met
25104 1937 104- 37- 104-16859
1938 104- 38- 104-17688
3700 1938 104-A 38- 104A-5256
Productionnumbers by Eckhart Bartels:
Year 1936 1937 1938 Total
cars 26 26022 20405 46453
1937 cars have pressed spoke wheels (with holes), 1938 ones have metal disk type wheels.
Photos are from:
Martin Vorwahl, collector of oldtimer photos, Oldenburg, Germany.
"Svet Motoru" magazine, Czechoslovakia.
Jan Szatan, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, see Jan's homepage Klasyczne Pojazdy Terenowe Panstw Socjalistycznych
Werner Oswald "Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichwehr,Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr", 1982, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart.
W.Schmarbeck/B.Fischer "Alle Opel Automobile", 1989, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart.
Marcus Dahlqvist hemsida, Sweden (in Swedish/English).
Visit this site - there are many very good photos of old Opel cars.
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You are welcome to add, ask or correct me, write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

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Last updated 27 VII 2002.