Oldtimers picture gallery. Trucks. Tatra 92.

Tatra 92
Years of production: 1937-1940
6x4 2-ton (maximum - 3-ton) off-road truck with backbone tubular frame
Body types: cargo, troop carrier, ambulance
Overall production: 529 (including Tatra 93)
Engine: carburettor aircooled V8-cyl. OHC, 3981cc, 74hp/2500rpm
Dimensions (cargo): length - 5495mm, width - 2000mm, height - 2130mm/2610mm

Cargo platform: length - 3025mm, width - 1818mm, board height - ?mm
Wheelbase: 2800mm + 940mm
Bore/Stroke: 80/99mm
Compression ratio: 5,5 : 1
Carburetter: one Solex 35 JFF
Battery: two x 6 Volt, 87,5 Ah
Clutch: ?
Gearbox: 4-speed + back, 2-speed transfer box

Ratios: I - 6,20, II - 3,24, III - 1,975, IV - 1,00
Transfer box ratios: highway - 1,73, offroad - 3,74
Differential ratio: 3,00
Hydraulic brakes: on all wheels
Hand brakes: on 4 rear wheels
Front wheel track: 1500mm, transversal leaf-spring suspension
Rear track: both - 1545mm, swinging semi-axles with half-leaf-spring suspension for every
Road clearance: 255mm

Water ford depth: 390mm
Turning radius: 7,5 m
Weight: 3580 kg
Maximal speed on highway: 70 km/h
Tyres: 6,00x20 inches
Fuel tank capacity: 130 L
Fuel consumption: 35 L/100km (highway)
Optional 2500kg winch at the rear

Photos and data are from:
Tatra World by Kees Smit, the Netherlands,
Werner Oswald's book "Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichwehr,Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr", 1982, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart,
BAhR Automotive History Pages,
Reinhard Frank's book "Lastkraftwagen der Wehrmacht", PODZUN-PALLAS, 1992,
Molotok Auction (Russia).
Thanks a lot to Denis Orlov (Moscow) and Kees Smit (Tatra World, the Netherlands).
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.
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Last updated 19 XII 2001.