Oldtimer gallery. Motorcycles. Harley-Davidson WLA (only pre-1945 here).

Harley-Davidson 45 WLA
(data for military solo version)
Years of production: 1942 - 1945 (... early 1950's)
Overall production: 62767
Engine: 23hp/4600rpm, aircooled 45o
V2-cyl. SV (L-head), 4-stroke, 739cc
(45,12 cu. in.)
Bore/Stroke: 23/4 / 313/16 in.
Compression ratio: 5,0 : 1
Length: 88 in., width: 37 in., height: 40 in. (with windshield - 61 in.)
Wheelbase: 57,5 in.
Road clearance: 4 in.
Rigid tubular frame
Carburetter: Linkert model M88
Multiplate dry disk clutch in oil bath
Gearbox: 3-speed, hand changed, no back speed

Ratios: III - 2,47; II - 1,57; I - 1,00
Ignition: 6 Volt, battery
Mechanical all wheel brakes
Weight (fuelled): 257kg (550 lb, gross -
765 lb)
Engine weight: 114 lb
Maximal speed: 105 km/h, minimal - ?
Tyres: 4,00-18 inches
Fuel tank capacity: 12,8 Ltr. (3,4 gallon)

Gearbox oil carter capacity: 3/4 pint
Petrol consumption: ? Ltr./100km
72 octane or higher gasoline
Photos are from:
Andrei Ruban (Cherkassy, Ukraine).
Trader Online.
http://www.iptelecom.net.ua/~viking/, Ukraine.

Vintage Imports.
Military Vehicles Sales & Appraisal
Sergei Kudrin (Sverdlovsk region, Russia).
What else in the net:
Harley-Davidson WLA-42 (In Russian).

You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.
Entrance Gallery Motorcycles Harley-Davidson Sale Links
Last updated 24 III 2002.