Oldtimer picture gallery. Trucks. Steyr-640.

38k photo of Steyr-64042k photo of Steyr-64081k photo of Steyr-640 fire ladder

Years of production: 1937 - 1941
6x4 1500kg truck
Overall production: 3780 (incl. cars)
Engine: 56hp/3800rpm, 6-cyl overhead-valve (OHV) liquid cooled engine, 2260cc
Bore/Stroke: 73/90 mm
Length: 5330mm, width: 1730mm, height: 2330mm
33k photo of Steyr-64022k photo of Steyr-640 AmbulanceRoad clearance: 23cm
Wheelbase: 2500+1060 mm
Gearbox: 4 speeds + 1 back gear
Brakes: Hydraulic
Weight: 2400-2886 kg
Maximal speed: 70 km/h
Tyres: 7,00-18 inches
Fuel tank capacity: 95 Ltr. (for 340 km)
23k photo of Steyr-640 cargo56k photo of Steyr-640 fire bus89k photo of Steyr-640 fire engineFuel consumption: up to 28 Ltr./100km

Photos are from:
Thomas Winkelbauer, Vienna,
Werner Oswald's "Kraftfahrzeuge und
Panzer der Reichwehr,Wehrmacht und
Bundeswehr", 1982, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart,
Bart Vanderveen's "Historic Military Vehicles Directory", "After the Battle" publication, 1989,
34k photo of Steyr-640 cargo64k photo of Steyr-640 cargo trucks on railway platformsReinhard Frank's "Lastkraftwagen Der
Wehrmacht", PODZUN-PALLAS, 1992,
and "Österreichs Feuerwehrveteranen -
Fahrzeuge 1930 - 70" from Udo Paulitz at
the EFB-publishing house, 1990.
Steyr-640 served basically for German Wehrmacht and Bulgarian army.
Thanks for powerful help to Thomas Winkelbauer from Vienna and
to Liucijus Suslavičius (Vilnius), automobile historian and author of numerous publications.
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.
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Last updated 16 XII 1999.