Oldtimer picture gallery. Trucks. Krupp Protze (Schnautzer).

Krupp L 2 H 43, Krupp L 2 H 143 (le. gl. Lkw 1 to (6x4))

(Leichte gelände Lastkraftwagen1-ton)
Years of production: 1933-1936 (L 2 H 43), 1937-1941 (L 2 H 143)
Overall production: about 7000
Body types (% are mine, calculated from over 200 WW2 photos):
Mannschaftstransportwagen (Truppen-Luftschütz-Kraftwagen) Kfz.70 (appr. 48% of all).
Protz-Kraftwagen Kfz.69 (appr. 45% of all).
Funkmastwagen Kfz.68 (appr. 3% of all), 11k and 17k WW2 photos
Is this prototype for Luftwaffe also Kfz.68?: 38k and 36k photos.
2 cm Flak Kraftwagen Kfz.81 (appr. 3% of all), 17k WW2 photo
Fernsprech- or Funk-Kraftwagen Kfz.19 (rare), 39k and 49kWW2 photos.
Is this also Kfz.19(?) (rare), 50k WW2 photo.
Kommandeurwagen Kfz.21 (rare), 26k WW2 photo
Scheinwrerfer-Kraftwagen Kfz.83 (rare)
Panzerwagen Sd. Kfz. 247 (rare)
Field-made(?) special body, 26k, 46k and 35k WW2 photos (the same 2 vehicles).
and others.
Technical data without photos are here.

Photos and data are from:
Werner Oswald "Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der Reichwehr,Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr", 1982,
Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart.
eBay Deutschland.
Entrance Gallery Trucks Krupp Sale Links

Last updated 30 V 2006. Andrei Bogomolov. Contact Information.