Oldtimer vehicles museum of Autoreview magazine in Moscow.

Dear guests of Moscow!
You are welcome to look at our exposition of
different ages and countries automobiles and
motorcycles. We also have a collection of
registration plates, unique photomaterials
and other interesting exhibits.
Our address is Moscow,
Zarechie ulitsa (street), 3 (vladeniye 3).
1 km from metro station Lyublino.

Go along Sovhoznaya ulitsa (street), which
after cross-road changes name to Zarechie
ulitsa (street). No turns, go straightly, and
soon you will see aircraft-memorial behind
the fence. This is our territory.
Our phone is: +10 7 (095) 377-88-88, but
usually our personnel at exposition (and near
the phone) speaks only Russian, sorry.

We are open on Saturdays and Sundays,
from 11.00 to 16.00.
Enter is free.
You are welcome!