Oldtimer picture gallery. Cars. Horch.
Horch Werke AG., Zwickau, Germany
Horch-500, 49k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-670, 82k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-750, 82k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-780, 82k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-830B, 76k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-830Bk (Kurz, ShortWheelBase), 47k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-830Bl (Lang, LongWheelBase), 1936-1939
Horch-830R, 1934-1937, 1939-1940, Horch 830B based Reichswehr/Wehrmacht Kübelwagen/Funkwagen
Horch-850, 61k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-851, 42k b/w image from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-853 and 853A
Horch-855, 34k image kindly sent by Victor Levine
Horch-901, 1936-1942, 4x4, V8-cyl, 3,8 L, 92hp, 55k, 70k frontview and 40k early Horch-901 b/w images
from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-930L, 1939-1940 prototype, 108k, and 90k rearview b/w images
from Peter Kirchberg's book "Bildatlas Auto Union", Berlin, 1987
Horch-930S, late 1945, appr. 6 built, 72k bad b/w photo
Horch-930V, 25k Cabriolet of Dani Jacobson and 81k Limousine, b/w image by P.Kirchberg
Horch-951(A), 1936-1937-1940
Horch passenger car production
Thanks for help to Andrei Rebrov, Tallinn.
I received very interesting message from James King, Albuquerque, USA:
"Immediately after the end of World War II the US Army Air Corps moved a number of units into Germany with the purpose of "Disarming the German
Luftwaffe." As a 2nd l lieutenant, trained in airborne radar, I was assigned to the 52nd Air Disarmament Squadron, initially located in Buchau-French Zone
of Occupation. There were a number of confiscated German civilian autos in the squadron when I arrived. Where and when they were acquired I know not.
Among them were a Maybach, three Mercedes Benz, an Adler, and a Horch. When the squadron moved to Kunselsau, in the American Zone, I used the Horch
to conduct my teams' searches. My driver was an American infantry soldier, born of Japanese parents. We caused a bit of a sensation whenever we passed
through the German countryside--an American officer, in a Horch, driven by a Japanese soldier.
I thought you might be interested in a photo taken of the three of us in Kunselsau. The Horch appears to be quite similar, if not identical, to the
830B, shown in your web site. Of course the side mounted tires are missing on "my" Horch. The roof over the passenger compartment was a fold away
arrangement. There was sliding glass between the passenger area and the front seat."

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Last updated 23 IV 2008. Andrei Bogomolov. Contact Information.