Oldtimer picture gallery. Trucks. Renault (only pre-1945 here).
Renault Fréres, Billancourt, France.
Renault-AHS, 1941-1944, 4x2 2-ton, 4-cyl. SV, 50hp, 2383cc, 44k and 13k WW2 photos
Renault-AHN, 1941-1944, 4x2 3,5-ton truck, 6-cyl. SV, 75hp, 4086cc, 26k and 14k 1944 photo
Renault-AHR, 1941-1944, 4x2 5-ton, 6-cyl. SV, 75hp, 4086cc
Renault ?model with gas producer engine, 1944 or 1942, 43k photo
Renault AGC, 1936-1940-?, 4x2 1,5-ton, 4-cyl. SV, 48hp, 2383cc, 18k photo
Renault AGF, 1936-1937, 4x2 3-ton, 4-cyl., ?hp, ?cc
Renault AGR, 1937-1941, 4x2 3,5-ton, 4-cyl. OHV, 62hp, 4025cc
Renault AGK, 1937-1939(1940?), 4x2 6-ton, 4-cyl. SV, 85hp, 5841cc
Renault ABF (+ABF2,ABFD,ABF3,ABFD3), 1934-1938-?, 4x2 ?-ton, ?-cyl., ?hp, ?cc, 17k and 26k WW2 photo
Renault ADK1, ?-1935-1937-?, 4x2 2-ton, ?-cyl., ?hp, ?cc, 34k photo
Renault ADR1, ?-1935-1937-?, 4x2 3-ton, ?-cyl., ?hp, ?cc, 58k photo
Renault-ADH (+ADH1,ADHDA), 1936-1937, 4x2 2,5-ton, 4-cyl. OHV, 65hp, 4032cc, 57k and 30k WW2 photo, 41k WW2 photo late series
Renault-AFB, 193?-193?
Renault TN4 H city line bus, 1936, 13k and 11k photo
Renault box van, 1933, 39hp, 10k photo
Renault 11CV box van, 1932, 36k photo
Renault 70CV semitractor, 1932, 6-cyl. Diesel, 99k b/w photo
Renault 15CV beer transporter, 1932, 6-cyl., 98k b/w photo
Renault 15CV milk truck, 1932, 6-cyl., 93k b/w photo
Renault Mission Transsaharienne, 1932, 56k b/w photo
Renault ? model, courtesy of Yannick Philipp Schwarz (Kassel, Germany) (11k b/w WW2 photo).
Pre-1932 models:
Renault city line bus, 1931?, 84k photo
Renault ice cream van, 1930, 68k photo
Renault light cargo truck, 1928, 4-cyl., 9k photo
Renault 6CV pickup, 1926, 10k photo
Renault garbage truck, 74k photo from 1926 book
Renault 20CV truck, 1925, 4-cyl., 92k b/w photo
Renault fire engine and ladder truck, 1922, 78k b/w photo
Renault small bus, 1922, 56k b/w photo
Renault Type II, 1921 model, 18k photo
Renault light truck, 1914, 4-cyl., 53k and 44k photo
Renault YA bakery pickup by Merlin Et Cie., 1905, 35k photo
Post-war models (only some samples):
1950 Renault Galion, 86k photo
1960 Renault Galion, 62k photo.
Photos are from:
Brigitte, secretary of C.A.R. - Club der Anhänger alter Renault, Wien, Austria (many of these photos).
Denis Orlov, automobile historian and journalist, Moscow.
Frank Nieuwenhuis, Luxembourg.
Sam, (Sam, sorry, I lost your coordinates)
Paul Seabury, England.
Vintage Web
Classic Car Collection
eBay Deutschland
What else in the net:
Club der Anhänger alter Renault, Postfach 318, A - 1210 Wien, Austria.
Car & Part, (in German) der virtuellen Welt der historischen französischen Fahrzeuge (Wien).
Renault - Histoire de l'entreprise (in French).
Mode`le Renault de 1898 a` 2000 (in French).
Renaultoloog.com & .nl (in Dutch/French/English/German).
Thanks to Albert Kopans, Richard Vangampler and Bénigne de Vilmorin.
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

Entrance Gallery Trucks Renault cars Sale Links
Last updated 20 II 2003.