Oldtimer picture gallery. Trucks. GMC. (only pre-1945)
Yellow Truck & Coach Manufacturing Co, Pontiac, Michigan, USA
From 1943 GMC Truck & Coach (GMC - General Motors Corporation).
1940-45 GMC-CCKW(X)353, 21/2-ton 6x6
1942-45 GMC-DUKW353, 21/2-ton 6x6 Amphibia, 23k image from MFHF.
1945 GMC-AFR522, 5-ton 4x2 COE tractor, FB 308 six (gas) cilvilan, 5-speed, 89k photo from
the owner - Robert Oeleis ((?)Oregon, USA). Robert needs parts to restore this truck.
1941-43 GMC CCW-353, 21/2-5-ton 6x4
1941?-4? GMC CCKW-352, 21/2-ton 6x6
1942-43 GMC AFKWX-353, 21/2-ton 6x6 Cabover
1939-42 GMC CC-453, 21/2-ton 4x2
1941-42 GMC CCK-353, 11/2-ton 4x4
1941-42 GMC AFKX-804, 4-ton 4x4 Cabover
1942 GMC suburban, 59k photo courtesy of the Photography by James L. Burnett, this GMC owner.
1941 GMC woody, 14k image from Hemmings Motor News
1941 GMC 3/4-ton pickup, 21k image
1940-41 GMC AFKX-352, 11/2-3-ton 4x4 Cabover
1941 GMC AC(X)-504, 3-ton 4x2
1939-40 GMC AFKX-502, 21/2-ton 4x4 Cabover Tractor
1940 GMC 1-ton woody, 19k and 21k rearview from the owner, David Miller, see Woodies@home
1940 GMC-ACKWX353, 21/2-ton 6x6, 65k b/w and Conrad Vogel site trucks: today (46k) and in 1947 (20k b/w)
1940 GMC pickup, 6k image from Trader Online
1940 GMC ACK-352, 11/2-ton 4x4
1940 GMC AF361, 11/2-ton 4x2 Cabover
1940 GMC AFWX-354, 21/2-ton 6x4 Cabover
1938 GMC 4929, 3-ton 6x6
1937 GMC
1937 GMC cabover
1936 GMC 4272, 11/2-ton 4x4
1935 GMC T5, Halftrack
1933-34 GMC T4, Halftrack
1933 GMC T1, Halftrack
1923 GMC K, 35k image from Kruse International
What else in Internet:
Conrad's Old Truck Page. Conrad is restoring two ACKWX-353 and he would like to find anybody of owners of the same model or at least trucks/parts.
Woodies@home - David Miller's pages devoted to light trucks with woody bodies and shooting brakes.
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

Entrance Gallery Trucks GMC (Canada) Sale Links
Last updated 4 X 1999.