Oldtimer picture gallery. Trucks. GAZ.
Gor'kovsky Avtomobilnyi Zavod, Gor'kii, USSR.
GAZ-AA board 1.5t platforms (79.6%), 1932-1950
GAZ-AA based specialcars (10.4%) (non-GAZ bodies)
GAZ-410, dump-truck ( 3.2%), 1936-1946, GAZ-AA based
GAZ-55, ambulance ( 2.8%), 1938-1945, GAZ-AA based
GAZ-42, gas generator truck ( 1.2%), 1939-1946, GAZ-AA based
GAZ-S1, dump-truck ( 1.2%), 1936, GAZ-AA based
Others ( 1.6%):
GAZ-03-30, 1933-1941, 1945-1950, GAZ-AA based 17-seater bus
GAZ-415, GAZ-M1 based pickup
GAZ-4, GAZ-A based pickup
GAZ-AAA, 3-axle GAZ-AA
GAZ-05-193, 1936-1945, GAZ-AAA based staff bus
GAZ-21, GAZ-M1 based 3-axles pickup
There were other more rare models of GAZ, but I never met them neither in registration books
nor in real life:
GAZ-AAAA + another GAZ-AAAA and another 43k b/w GAZ-AAAA, - 3-axle GAZ-A
1933 GAZ-TK, 3-axle GAZ-A, 35k b/w image
GAZ-11/415, - GAZ-11 pickup
GAZ-33, 6x6 GAZ-AAA, yet 62k b/w image,
1939 GAZ-44, gas feeded GAZ-AA, 62k b/w image from GAZ album of Chris Pitman (Woombye, Queensland, Australia),
GAZ-60, 1938-1942, 1,2-ton half-track conversion of GAZ-AA,
GAZ-61/417, 40k b/w image and another 54k b/w GAZ-61/417
GAZ-VM, 45k b/w image
Armoured cars based on GAZ models (only some, armoured vehicles aren't aim of this site):
BA-10, BA-10M, 1938-1939-1941, GAZ-AAA based
Post-war models:
GAZ-20 pickup, ?-1951-1958, 10k terrible b/w image only,
GAZ-12B ambulance, ?-1953-1960, 14k image only,
GAZ-21 pickup, ?-?, 53k b/w image from the archive of automobile journalist Denis Orlov, Moscow.
GAZ-47, 1955-1964, off-road vehicle, 31k b/w rear view and 32k b/w front view
GAZ-51, 1946-1949-1957-1975,
GAZ-51P, 1956-1975, tractor,
GAZ-56, 1956, prototype 1.5-ton truck, 38k b/w image only
GAZ-62, 1955, 4x4, 1-ton, 59k b/w photo and 9k b/w photo of swamp version GAZ-62P
GAZ-62, 1959-62, 4x4, 1-ton, 54k b/w photo, 25k b/w, 1959 and 26k b/w, tests.
GAZ-63, 1948-1949-1957-1968, 4WD GAZ-51,
GAZ-63P, 1958-1968, tractor, no pictures
GAZ-93, 1948-1975, GAZ-51 based dump-truck,
GAZ-53, 1961-1964-1965-1966-1991?, basal truck,
GAZ-52, 1966 - late 1980's, basal truck, no pictures
GAZ-66, 1964-still in production, 4WD.
If you are model collector, you can buy Soviet vehicles models from Peresvet.
You are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.

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Last updated 18 VIII 2000.