Oldtimer picture gallery. Cars. 1931 Ford-A.

1931 Ford-A
Year of production: 1931 (overall model A production period: 1928 - Autumn 1931)
Overall production: 615455 units (commercials not included)
4x2 rearwheeldrive frontmotor car
Body types:
2-seater roadster, 2155 pounds, 430 US dollars, 7793 units (all roadsters in 1931)
2-4-seater roadster, 2230 pounds, 455 US dollars, 7793 units (all roadsters in 1931)
5-seater phaeton, 2212 pounds, 435 US dollars, 11060 units
2-seater Standard coupe, 2257 pounds, 490 US dollars, 82885 units
2-4-seater sport coupe, 2283 pounds, 500 US dollars, 21272 units

2-4-seater cabriolet 68C, 2273 pounds, 595 US dollars, 13706 units
5-seater Tudor sedan 55B, 2375 pounds, 490 US dollars, 170645 units
5-seater Standard Fordor sedan 160A, 2462 pounds, 590 US dollars, 25720 units
2-4-seater DeLuxe roadster, 2230 pounds, 475 US dollars, 56702 units
5-seater DeLuxe phaeton, 2285 pounds, 580 US dollars, 2875 units
2-seater DeLuxe coupe, 2265 pounds, 525 US dollars, 23653 units
5-seater victoria, 2265 pounds, 580 US dollars, 36830 units
5-seater DeLuxe Tudor sedan 55B, 2388 pounds, 525 US dollars, 23490 units
5-seater DeLuxe Fordor sedan 160C, 2488 pounds, 630 US dollars, 4967 units

5-seater DeLuxe town sedan 160B, 2475 pounds, 630 US dollars, 65447 units
5-seater convertible sedan, 2360 pounds, 640 US dollars, 5072 units
4-door wagon, ? pounds, 625 US dollars, 3018 units
40hp/2200rpm, 4-cyl, 3285cc (200,5 cu.in.)
Bore/Stroke: 98.43/107.95 mm (3,88/4,25 inches)
?hp/?rpm, 4-cyl., 400 cu. in. (Ford A 400 - very rare car)
Bore/Stroke: ?/? inches

Compression ratio 4.5 : 1
Length: ?mm, width: ?mm, height: ?mm
Wheelbase: ?mm, clearance: ?mm
Carburettor: Ford
Gearbox: 3 speeds
Mechanical brakes of all wheels
Weight: 1090 - 1300 kg
Maximal speed: 100 km/h
Tyres: 5,50x19 inches

Fuel tank capacity: 37,9 L (10 gallons)
Fuel consumption: 11-12 L/100km
1931 Ford A automobiles are easy to
recognize by painted upper front part of
radiator shell (around the Ford badge).
Sources of photos:
Rusian State Archive of Photodocuments
(thanks to Denis Orlov, Moscow),
Kruse International auction,

e-Bay Auction Site,
Trader Online,
Specialcar Magazine,
Tom Mack Classics and Imports,
Antique Autos Online,
Deals On Wheels,
American Truck Historical Society,
Chris Pitman's GAZ album,

Cool Cars Only,
Volo Auto Museum,
Vehicles: Show & Sell Area,
Classic Auto Register Service.
Data are from the "Encyclopedia of
American cars", Publications International
Ltd., 1993, USA.
Thanks for help to Nathaniel Carl Anderson (Pine Island, Minnesota, USA), David J. Goodman (Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Northern Ohio Model A Club) and Tom Moniz, owner of few Ford-A (California, USA).

If you have to add, ask or correct me, you are welcome to write me by E-mail Contact. Andrei Bogomolov.
Entrance GALLERY Ford cars 1931 Ford A commercials 1930 Ford A Sale Links
Last updated 1 IV 2000.